Commencement marching instructions

Congratulations on making it to commencement day! Here's a recap of the logistical information you need to know about marching in, crossing the stage to get your diploma, and then exiting after the conclusion of the ceremony. (Undergraduate students are those who are earning bachelor's degrees, 研究生 students are those who are earning a master's degree or above).



本科生 line up on the sidewalk in front of Kretschmar Hall in alphabetical order, then proceed in single file to the sidewalk in front of the library. When you reach Centennial Green, you will wait to march down the aisle until told to do so. 本科生 march into the commencement ceremony via the main aisle closest to Sittner Hall. 


研究生 students line up on the sidewalk in front of Kretschmar Hall in reverse alphabetical order, then proceed in single file to the sidewalk in front of the library. When you reach Centennial Green, you will wait to march down the aisle until told to do so. 毕业生 march into the commencement ceremony via the main aisle closest to the library.

Taking your photo and receiving your diploma

Leave your seat via the aisle closest to the library, walk to the photo station, then get in line next to the stage to receive your diploma. Wait to enter the stage until your name is called. After your have your diploma, quickly exit the stage and return to your seat via the main aisle closest to Sittner Hall.

How to take your diploma from Dr. McVay and shake his hand for the official photograph. (Picture courtesy of Mark VanDonge.)



本科生 march out via the aisle closest to the library. Wait for your row to be dismissed before your leave. Rows will be dismissed from the front and back simultaneously. 当你离开时, find a place away from the main ceremony area to meet your family and friends to allow traffic to continue flowing behind you.


研究生 students march out via the aisle closest to Sittner Hall. Wait for your row to be dismissed before your leave. Rows will be dismissed from the front and back simultaneously. 当你离开时, find a place away from the main ceremony area to meet your family and friends to allow traffic to continue flowing behind you.